Nazarene Hospital
Box 456 Mt Hagen WHP
Papua New Guinea
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Hospital Needs:
The following items would be the most useful for our hospital:
General Medical Supplies | Pharmaceuticals | OB/GYN/UROLOGY |
IV cannulas (intracaths) esp sizes 18,20,22, but also sizes 16, 24IV tubing (all kinds, ie pediatric, adult, blood giving sets)IV solutionspediatric intraosseous needlessyringes, esp 5cc and 10cctape (all kinds)gloves, esp sterile pairs, esp sizes 7 and 7 1/2, large exam gloveslubricating jellyspinal needles (esp 22G, 31/2inch)tongue bladesbandaids | Any and all antibiotics, but especially quinolones (Cipro, Floxin, etc)macrolides (Zithromax,etc.) and cephalosporinsNSAIDsUlcer Rxs, H2 blockers(cimetidine, ranitidine…), Prilosec, Prevacid, PeptoBismal, etcSpironolactoneEstrogens/Provera (medroxyprogesterone)Tylenol (acetaminophen)CytotecAntifungals, topical and/or systemic | vaginal speculaamniotomy hooksultrasound transmission gelurostomy bagscolostomy bagscatheter bagsPap smear slide holderscytobrush or cervical broom (Pap smear)fetal doppler |
Theater/Operating Room | |
scissors: suture, Mayo, Metzenbaumsurgical drape material (preferably without plastic)gelfoam or surgical hemostatic agentssurgery scrub brushesrazors (shaving in prep for surgery)hats, masks, and shoe covers for surgeryprep gauze or sponges or balls4X4 gauzesuction drains (Jackson Pratt or Hemovac)Penrose drains | scalpel bladessuture, skin (nylon, silk etc.), chromic and plain,esp larger sizes (0,00),large fascia (dexon, vicryl, PDS, Maxon)sterile gauze (all shapes and sizes)skin staplesspinal anestheticsspinal needleshydrogen peroxideiodine solution plus alcohol skin solutionsurgical gowns |
Orthopedic Supplies | Diagnostic Sets | Laboratory |
cervical collarsclavicle splints (Fig 8)armslingselastic bandagescrutches | spinal needlesthoracentesis traysbone marrow biopsy setsliver biopsy sets | urine dipstickslancetsalcohol prep padsvacutainer needles and tubesmicroscope slidesHemoccult slides/developer |